My philosophy and approach to practice - praxis - is rooted in a model of life long learning, growth and transformation. Transformative learning (also often referred to as Popular Education, Adult Education or Emancipatory Learning) fosters a space for participants to bring the whole of their experience and wisdom to community learning. In doing so, we build our collective capacity to access the breadth and depth of our gifts and capacity to innovate collaboratively and navigate complexity with creativity and resilience.
Here are foundational elements of my praxis which support a depth of learning that is both stimulating and transformative at the levels of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
I value the lived experience and knowledge that folx are bringing into the shared learning space. Participatory learning is often self-directed and is attentive and adaptable to the particular dynamics and wisdom of the specific learning environment.
I begins from a place of being curious, valuing and honouring the gifts and capacities that participants bring, and then identifying what needs/desires may exist from there. By beginning from a “half-glass full” perspective, a greater holistic understanding is gained of what individuals and a collective truly offer.
Curious & Compassionate
I invite folx to be reflective and witness themselves and others with fresh eyes. By being curious about the multiplicity of our being, lending compassion where there are growth edges and then extending this practice to others we engage with, there is the opportunity to come into greater consciousness and integrity of being.
Creative & Embodied
I engage a diversity of creative modalities which include - arts-based practices, InterPlay, Theatre of the Oppressed and embodied/somatic practices - to explore perspectives, share ideas and access new ways of knowing. Creativity, the arts and embodied expression offer an opportunity for folx to share their insights and understandings through different ways of being and relating, engaging the full spectrum of capacities, senses and body-wisdom.
I seek to nurture the co-creation of a learning and collaborative environment is one that is respectful, inclusive and celebratory of all folx and our differences. We work alongside one another to enable authentic participation and the creation of a safe-enough and inclusive space for everyone.
I invite folx to bring the whole of themselves – mind and heart – into the space and to question, challenge and reaffirm for themselves the way they move through life and in community. This element of transformative learning is nurtures perspectives and practices that support healthy, accountable and caring cultures.
I invite us to engage with everything as a relational process - that our personal, interpersonal and systemic relationships and health is the beating heart of all we do. This extends to our relationships with all of sentient life, with the earth as our primary care-taker and with the realms of the seen and unseen worlds that enliven our spiritual existence. In this I extend an invitation to reflect on what I call our earth-body - the ways in which our bodies and the land are truly one and inherently connected.
My process and practice, whether 1:1 or with organizations, is deeply personalized. I work alongside you in a co-creative process that values and respects the intelligence, gifts and wisdom that you bring - personally or collectively. I believe your sense of agency, inspiration and passion are critical elements for a fruitful and generative process. I do not engage with pre-set, cookie cutter program design - rather I gather information and gain understanding specific to your context, aspirations, strengths and challenges, and to then sense and imagine how best I can be in service - the consultation process serves this intention and exploration.
With organizational change work, conscious consulting, somatic accompaniment and other longer collaborative processes there will always be a process of laying a clear walking trail before us of the the journey ahead - ensuring we create a strong foundation for collaboration, gain clarity on the vision ahead, establish stepping stones toward the process and clear reflection practices for learning and integration. Simultaneous to that, our process is an emergent one, that is attuned to and values what unfolds in real time, is prepared to pivot to serve that is alive in the moment while staying anchored the deeper roots of the work agreed upon.
Truly it is such fun getting to co-create, dream, embody and bring your visions to life together! What a privilege it is to journey alongside you.

“I have experienced Natty as an inclusive and playful leader easily attracting those around her to join in her curious and deep inquiries. Her tender approach is welcoming and adaptive and I have felt held by her space-holding many times. I am amazed by her skill to lead from the heart to find the wholesome balance between deep and silly ways of being together ”
-Sophie Schultz-Allen, InterPlay Art & Social Change participant