play revolution!
Want to play with me?!
InterPlay invites us to play with our birth right - yes birthright - of word, sound, movement, dance, storytelling and stillness. It is an opportunity to welcome the whale of ourselves and attune to our body-wisdom in pursuit of greater ease, joy, grace, spaciousness and rest in our lives. Its forms and tools are “sneaky deep”, fun and life-activating.
By engaging with the incremental and playful forms (practices) and tools (philosophies) of InterPlay, we invite the stories within us to rise up and out of the body. Our shared improvisation and play can support us in drawing on our own inner body wisdom, learn from our lived experience and build a greater sense of connection, community and solidarity. PLaying, witnessing and noticing what our bodies show us through play are the touchstones of InterPlay and the pathway to our embodied awareness.
Join the Play revolution!
InterPlay for Organizational Health & Well-Being
InterPlay is a powerful, playful and deeply connective practice. InterPlay invites our personal and collective body wisdom as a guide toward nurturing and embodying organizational cultures of greater well-being, connectivity and care.
Play Packages
I am currently offering a play package for teams up to 30 people to support greater connectivity, openness, freedom of expression and collective well-being among teams. This includes:
3 - 2 hour long sessions over the course of 3 weeks. Imagine ending your week with a play session as a form of organizational capacity and team building!
Sessions include the powerful tools and practices rooted in embodied play and the wisdom of the body
On-going consultation on how to weave more play into your organizational culture - it is a great way to start meetings