Organizational Changemaking
I love connecting and collaboration with teams of all kinds. It offers me the opportunity to keep learning and understanding what learning, justice and transformation mean to a particular group. When an organization is clear in itself and grounded in its foundational values, principles of practice and healthy relationships, it can function and grow with greater integrity and ease. I work alongside you - harnessing your wisdom and intelligence - in order to co-create processes that feel aligned, empowering and enlivening to your team
Peace & Conflict Transformation
As Sobonfu Some shares “Conflict is the spirit of the relationship inviting itself to deepen”. Conflict is natural, common and truly an opportunity to greater listening, understanding, compassion and care with others. There are ways to move through conflict in deeply generative, communicative and healthy ways.
Acute Conflict Transformation
I can support your team in addressing acute conflict while simultaneously building your capacity in gaining tools and practices for conflict resiliency - such as embodied presencing practices, effective communication and strength-based approaches to collaboration.
Building Cultures of Peace
One of the best ways to mitigate conflict is increase organizational capacity in creating cultures of peace that welcome diversity and difference, to increase effective and compassionate communication skills and to have clear policies and practices to lean on should conflict arise. I can support you team in working through these capacity-building conflict transformation strategies.
Building Cultures of Belonging & Inclusion
Building cultures of belonging and inclusion invites radical presence, care and willingness to truly co-creating a space that values and respects each individual amidst the wider whole. When we can understand the dynamics of power and privilege, and how this affects our personal, interpersonal and systemic relationships, we increase our capacity for greater empathy, respect and appreciation of diversity.
I support organizations in coming together to courageously share stories and experiences of the ways in which we have all been impacted by systems of oppression. It asks of us to engage in profound personal and interpersonal work to dismantle ways in which we have embodied colonial mindsets. This opens up pathways to witness ourselves and one another, and engage in generative and caring dialogue on how to create cultures of belonging that truly uphold shared values, principles and practices of justice for all.
Collaborative Changemaking
The work of social justice and transformation takes on so many different forms and faces. There are creative, embodied and deeply joyful ways to bring the brilliance of everyone’s passion and gifts in service of a common vision and goal..
Whether is food justice in rural Nova Scotia, youth health in rural Egypt or accessibility issues in digital library contexts, I love working alongside groups and organizations to understand what “justice” looks, feels and tastes like for you. From there we can co-create a learning process to harness the gifts and wisdoms of the collective to envision and actualize the transformation that you are seeking.